
cochise the cat

This little lovely lives on out street. We're not sure who he belongs to (or even if he is actually a he) but we like him, and have named him Cochise. He's very sweet, and I'd love to adopt him, but we don't think the aforementioned dog would appreciate that.



Lizzie McNamara said...

I think the aforementioned dog would be thrilled. He has a great time playing tough guy with us but when he gets too close, we stand our ground and let him know who's boss and he backs off in a hurry!

- Truman and Hamlet

Erin Peitzmeier said...

you need to move the "aforementioned dog" to the aformentioned position in the blog.
Love all of your pictures!

Michael said...

Wouldn't aforementioned be a proper term since the Dusty post was made about two weeks before the cat post?